Thursday, October 16, 2014

The comparison of The United States and Germany Usage of Devices


A recent study by Reuters Institute Digital News Report by Nic Newman shows many companions amongst different countries. The study illustrates how users in the countries are using different devices to find out about news. Overall for all countries, users use smartphones and tablets to find out news through television, newspaper, and radio news. Results shows that users use their smartphone for: television news 84% of the time, newspaper news 40% of the time, and radio news 35% of the time. Results also shows that users use their tablet for: television news 84% of the time, newspaper news 45% of the time, and radio news 40% of the time. For all of the countries, users use their devices for television news majority of the time. The results for this study shows that most television news still to this day holds most interest of people over newspaper or radio.

 To break down this study even more, we chose to focus on the United States and Germany. To understand the usage of the two countries, we picked the results of studying the rapid growth of the two countries. Results shows both the United States and Germany use this smartphones more then a tablet when researching for news. It showed the United States uses their smartphone 31% of the time versus using a tablet 19% of the time. Germany showed they use their smartphone 32% of the time versus using a tablet 10% of the time. One can conclude a smartphone is more accessible and easier to use for the people of these two countries when looking for news.

Using both devices, the study also showed how often each country accessed new sources daily. The United States out of a scale of a hundred, accessed news 54% of the time. Germany accessed news 63% of the time. These results showed Germany has a higher interest when it comes to using technology to access news. This may play into the reasoning of Americans using technology for social reasons more.
The study then broke down the interest between countries even more. The United States showed 68% of people are interested in the news and 30% of people are less interested in news. Germany showed 81% of people are interested in the news and 19% of people are less interested in news. These results play into the above information that Germany, as a country is more interested in news more then Americans. People who are interested in the news outweighed people who are not interested with Germany. Americans less interested in news outweighed Americans interested in news. Every study and result showed between Americans and Germans, Germans are more interested and using devices for news more.

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